Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Friday, July 5th, 2024

Karzai Banning Airstrike Requests

There are grave concerns among the people of Afghanistan on whether Afghan National Security Forces (ANSF) would be able to defend their country and lives against the Taliban once the US-led NATO troops are withdrawn. Deficiency of a strong, competent and well-equipped Afghan air force is one of the major factors behind growing worries in Afghanistan. Nonetheless, President Hamid Karzai expresses full confidence in the ANSF and has now decided to issue a decree for the purpose of halting NATO air support for Afghan soldiers.

Speaking at the Afghan National Military Academy in Kabul on Saturday Mr. Karzai said, "I will issue a decree tomorrow that no Afghan security forces, in any circumstances, in any circumstances can ask for the foreigners' planes for carrying out operations on our homes and villages." The declaration came as anger mounted over a joint Afghan-NATO operation this week that Afghan officials said killed 10 civilians, including women and children, in northeast Kunar province.

A number of Afghan political analysts have expressed surprise over the remarks by Karzai saying that foreign air support is crucial for military operations against militants at times when Afghanistan itself lacks a strong air force.

Analysts believe banning air strike requests may lead to lowering the confidence of the Afghan soldiers who fight against insurgent on the frontline. Oppositely, such a step will definitely bolster the confidence of the insurgents who will launch attacks anywhere without having fear of airstrikes against them.

Keeping in view the lack of a strong Afghan air force, banning the air support requests from international forces might not be a proper way to diminish civilian casualties as Taliban kill more civilians than foreign and Afghan security forces. Such a measure would only allow Taliban to kill even more people.

Additionally, the insurgents do not wear any uniform that could make them identifiable. They hide amongst the local people from where they launch attacks against Afghan government and NATO troops. Therefore, the Taliban are more responsible as they use the innocent civilians and their houses as their shield while combating the ANSF and NATO.

Banning airstrike requests might only benefit the Taliban. For avoiding civilian causalities, the government must think of other viable options and preventative measures. One of these options is supporting the people to drive away insurgents from their towns and villages and encouraging them to report about suspicious people.