Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Friday, July 5th, 2024

Trilateral Meeting in Delhi

 Afghanistan, India and United States commenced trilateral meeting in New Delhi on Tuesday, February 19, to put the situation of the country under the scalpel, particularly when all doubts are cleared regarding the pullout of foreign security forces. Now everybody understands that President Obama rolled his sleeve up to withdraw US security forces and hand over the security responsibilities to Afghan security forces.  In his to Congress, he emphasized on decisiveness to end the longest US military struggle after Vietnam. "This spring, our forces will move into a support role, while Afghan security forces take the lead.

Tonight, I can announce that over the next year, another 34,000 American troops will come home from Afghanistan," he said in his annual State of the Union Address to the Congress. Definitely, such strong message perplexes those who have something to lose and pleases those who are irritated with the presence of US. India is among those countries which fall in the first category. The presence of US military indeed ensured its political and economic interests. From the very start of war against terrorism in 2001, it supported the move because it suffers from terror activities.

Since then, it has also made huge investment in mining fields which in the long-term benefit of both countries tremendously. In fact, Delhi has tried its best to ensure that Kabul steps on the right direction and would not be trumpeted by extremists. It has made huge donations to strengthen the government. Certainly, Afghan officials have also found Delhi as reliable partner, because its interests are aligned with our national interest. President frequently paid visit to Delhi to motivate Indian investors to invest in the country.

There are several issues which push India to come closer to Kabul. An insecure Afghanistan indeed proves highly consequential for India as it may change into one of targets of terror groups. Thus, India would try to ensure that its 11 years efforts to develop relation with Kabul would not finally face a death end. It wants to ensure that after the pullout of foreign security forces, the government would not yield to regional pressure to take a different path or succumb to militants. Thus, Delhi will try to use its global leverage and try to prevent commencement of new phase of instability and insecurity.