Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Friday, July 5th, 2024

The ‘Ninety Percent’ Label

The statement that says, “90 per cent of the world’s total opium is being produced in Afghanistan” has become widespread. Even a lay man while talking about Afghanistan opium has sufficient information about the topic. For years the people, government and United Nations have been commenting and reporting about the drug cultivation, trafficking and addicts but the 90 per cent remains solid and has never decreased to 80 per cent, which is a great regret and failure.

Afghanistan now produces 92 per cent of the world's opium, which is the raw material for heroin. No strategy has been helpful in eradication of poppy crops cultivation. The eradication of opium from Afghanistan is still a greatest challenge for the Afghan government and the international community. Afghanistan is the world’s largest producer of opium, the raw material for heroin, with its farmers harvesting about 80 percent of the world supply. Large quantities of Afghan heroin are exported to Russia, Iran and Europe, according to UN.

The opium converted into heroin spoils thousands of lives in Afghanistan and many other countries. In Afghanistan alone, it is estimated that more than 1.5 million people including children and women are addicted to drugs as drugs are openly sold in streets of cities, town and villages of Afghanistan. Growing number of drug addicts is alarming for the future generation of the people of Afghanistan.

Smuggling the drug is a piece of cake for the drug traffickers because of the loose control at borders specially the Pak-Afghan border.

For years the US and Afghan governments have been adopting various policies in order to discourage the farmers cultivating poppy crops but no prominent goals have been achieved so far. The matter can be overcome by proper planning and changed strategies.

Effective measures should be taken stop the drug trafficking. Once there is adequate control at the borders, due to high supply the opium price will fall inside the country, and as a result the farmers would not go for poppy cultivation as compared to present. This will definitely bring decrement in Afghanistan opium production.