Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Friday, July 5th, 2024

A Deadly Wednesday for Security Forces

In a single deadly attack on Afghan Police, 17 police officers were shot dead in a remote Afghan Local Police outpost in Habib Godala village of Andar district which is highly famous due to militant uprising. They were dragged into comatose stupors by comrades while on duty and then shot to death from a close range. Officials have said authorities had already arrested two policemen, described as Taliban infiltrators who had carried out the attack.

 The local police officers are vetted and trained under the supervision of American Special Operations troops as self-defense forces for their own communities, and sometimes include groups of armed men who had formerly sided with the Taliban. In not quite a similar incident, three policemen were killed in what the Taliban said was an attack carried out by one of its supporters in Kandahar province, though police officials attributed the killings to a relative of one of the victims.

And in Kabul, a vehicle of Afghan National Police was targeted by suicide bomber which also left around 10 injured. It took place in between Charrah-e-Ghazni and Charrah-e-Shahid in the western part of the Kabul province. According to eye witness a man was standing nearby the road with an umbrella in hand. When the vehicle approached him, he just put away the umbrella and went directly under the bus. There, he burst the explosives which however, was not much strong and could injure individuals inside.

 Putting this series of incidents together, it becomes clear how really Taliban militants are continue their activities. During recent years, clips and text released that Taliban and al-Qaeda could have trained numbers of devotees who are ready to give up their lives for Jihadist ideology.

There are clips which show that how illiterate youngsters are tricked and finally made ready for suicide bombing. The devotees are trained in a manner that strongly believe that after their death, they will head directly to paradise without any interrogations. Information leaked out also shows that suicide-bombers receive certificates for their martyrdom which tighten their belief in committing suicide.

 So, the government of Afghanistan should understand what kind of group it is dealing with. Those who leave no tactics to kill as many people as possible, is it possible for them to accept the constitution of Afghanistan, readily? If not, President and his administration should note that negotiation and peace deal would not work unless held from a stronger position.