Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Friday, July 5th, 2024

Prevent Syria to Become a Death Country

Seemingly, the recent US policy shift regarding Syria which caused the its tense relation with Moscow a degree colder was not welcomed much by rebel fighters. Though it was interpreted as significant shift in US’ foreign policy which may encourage other countries to follow the step and develop relation with rebel fighters, but the expectation of opposition seems really high.

 On Friday, the chief of Syrian rebel forces said that his fighters are in “desperate” need of weapons and ammunition rather than the food supplies and bandages that the US now planned to provide.

 Previously, at meeting held by supporters of Syrian opposition in Rome, US Secretary of the State, John Kerry, announced it was giving an addition $60 million in assistance to oppositions, however, it provide non-lethal aid to rebels combating to oust Syrian President, Bashar-al-Assad. Khaleejtimes quoted Gen. Salim Idris, chief of staff of the Syrian opposition’s Supreme Military Council, as saying that the modest package of aid to rebels, consisting of an undetermined amount of food rations and medical supplies, would not help them win against Assad’s forces who have superior air power. ““We don’t want food and drink and we don’t want bandages.

When we’re wounded, we want to die. The only thing we want is weapons,” he told The Associated Press in a telephone interview from northern Syria”, Khaleejtimes. “We need anti-tank and anti-aircraft missiles to stop Bashar Assad’s criminal, murderous regime from annihilating the Syrian people,” he said. “The whole world knows what we need and yet they watch as the Syrian people are slaughtered.”

According creditable source, oppositions have also committed crimes against humanity and clips and videos set on wire confirm the allegation. So, are opposition leaders ready to justify such activities and explain why their hands tainted in blood of civilians? Moreover, in spite of struggle to bring all armed oppositions under a mono umbrella yet analysts maintain that there visible difference among leadership of Free Syrian Army and it also hardly exert control on numbers of militant groups. So, it is the job of the international community to avoid avenging each other in Syrian ground.

They should instead develop a diplomatic solution to the problem. The current approach to empower oppositions through pouring arms or non-lethal assistance will splash petrol on the fire. No matter, how oppositions find the support, Syrian government is strong enough to stand to an extent to change Syria into a death country. And that is exactly what international community must prevent as part of humanitarian obligation.