Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Friday, July 5th, 2024

A Dreadful Attack Yards Away from Defense Ministry

 A suicide bombing rocked the Defense Ministry building and buildings around Saturday which was followed by random firings from security forces. According to subsequent reports, a suicide bomber on a bicycle struck outside the Ministry which left nine dead. About half hour later, another suicide bomber attacked a police checkpoint in Khost, the capital city of eastern Khost province which left one police and eight civilians, including children, dead.

The Taliban claimed responsibility for the morning attack at the ministry, saying it was meant to send a signal to the U.S. defense chief. "This attack was a message to him," Taliban spokesman Zabiullah Mujahid said in an email to reporters. The attack took place when US Defense Secretary was on visit to the country.  When he arrived on Friday, the same day that three men wearing Afghan army uniforms and driving an Afghan army vehicle forced their way onto a U.S. base in eastern Afghanistan and opened fire, killing one civilian contractor and wounding other U.S. troops, “We are still at war”.

The dreadful part is that the Defense Ministry is located at the heart of Kabul city where only government and NGOs vehicles are allowed to pass. Even pedestrians who pass the checkpoint receive curious stare from cops. In days when foreign officials visit the country, the security checkups become even much tighter and suspicious individuals are watched out. No doubt, security forces were previously on the picture and alerted that US Defense Secretary, Chuck Hagel, would visit the country. And accordingly, security checkups would have tightened, particularly, in areas where he planned to hold talks with Afghan officials, including Defense Ministry. And obviously, U.S. and other foreign veterans mostly pay random visits and only top officials are aware of the plan. Sometimes Media becomes aware of such meetings only after set-off foreign diplomats back to their country.

 Thus, considering the above issues, Taliban intelligence should be highly sophisticated that receives the report about schedule of visits and plans the attack that also in areas which are severely barricaded. How the suicide bomber under very eyes of intelligence present all over the area and tight security checkups could pass with bicycle loaded with Kilograms of explosives. There, the bomb not only rocked the entire area but also the heart of people who worry about the capacity of Afghan security forces to protect the country beyond 2014.