Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Friday, July 5th, 2024

Afghan Peace Talks Turned into a Dilemma

The installation of sustainable peace in Afghanistan rests to persuasion of Taliban, joining the mainstream politics and denouncing violence. To pursue this objective the three stakeholders (Afghan government, Pakistan and US) try hard securing the credit, promoting peace talks to gain sympathies of Taliban.

Publically the conforming statements issued by each partner reflect as if a joint and coordinated effort is underway to sort out this lingering security issue of Afghanistan. Factually stating, every partner strives to keep the steering of peace drive with itself. The issue thus seeks delayed solution, given the trust deficit widened among the three partners.

Formerly, President Hamid Karzai alleged senior Taliban leaders and US have resumed negotiations suspended a year ago in Qatar. To support his accusation Karzai went on saying, “Both foreigners and some patriot Taliban give us information about the ongoing talks," he said, adding the Americans believed the Taliban were not their enemies who killed innocent Afghans on a daily basis.

Both Taliban and US came forth rejecting the accusation of resumption of talks. The US’s newly appointed defense secretary Chuck Hagel, who is on his first visit to Afghanistan subsequent to joining the office, met President Hamid Karzai at the Presidential Palace late Sunday, tried to diffuse the allegation of unilateral back-channel talks.

The President’s allegation seems a part of old practiced blame game to shift the responsibilities. Informed of the expected suicide attacks that killed 19 people, including children in Kabul it was utmost responsibility of Afghan government to foil the attack and making public the facts and figure entailing ill intentions of any group behind the attack.

The fact is otherwise, President Karzai is not happy with US stay beyond 2014. In contrary, many security analysts consider US presence important for normalized security conditions post 2014 given that they agree on a framework that respects Afghan national sovereignty and the constitution.

Previously an Afghan official stated that 26 Afghan Taliban released by Pakistan, have rejoined rebels. To date unknown strategy pursued relative to release of Taliban inmates who could serve the peace installation move, turns a hollow presumption. The whole situation intimates the weakened status of credibility and desired success of Afghan owned and Afghan-led peace drive. It too reflects the absence of a mutual, coordinated and agreed mechanism to carry forth the aforementioned undertaking.

It is a tested discourse that Afghanistan should lead the talks while Pakistan and US should facilitate it by enriching the ground for a result oriented talks. The three partners of peace drive should tabulate a peace formula that conforms with the interests of Afghanistan. Taliban’s complete disarmament and obedience to Afghan constitution helps bring about stability in the nascent country, which is possible with cordial support of rest of two partners and international community. A strong, independent and democratic Afghanistan can serve best the interest Afghan people and can ensure stability of the region.