Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Friday, July 5th, 2024

Child Abuse in Syrian War

Definitely, Syrians in the future one day would flip the pages of history and will say, “The armed struggle to oust President was a blunt mistake”. Though there is no consensus or rare discussion that how much a nation should pay for democracy, but all agree that fight for democracy has already cost the nation too much.

The economic infrastructure has completely shattered down and millions fled out of the country, depending on charity organizations for their survival. Such huge pain could have been inched to be tolerated if their sacrifices ended to a result. Assessing the situation of Syrians from realistic point of view, even at most optimistic prospective, the nation would not recover wounds dealt during last two years and democracy remains as illusionary flying bird to hurry after.

Day by day, the struggle is turning much more notorious. The British Charity organization, Save the Children, said that children were being increasingly used on the frontline in Syrian war, with both sides utilizing boys as soldiers and even human shields. And it also added that girls were being forced into early marriage in an effort to protect them from the perceived threat of sexual violence.

"There is a growing pattern of armed groups on both sides of the conflict recruiting children under 18 as porters, guards, informers or fighters. ”For many children and their families, this is seen as a source of pride. But some children are forcibly recruited into military activities, and in some cases children as young as eight have been used as human shields." Indeed, both sides are blamed for committing crimes against humanity.

Moreover, in spite of struggle to bring all armed oppositions under a mono umbrella yet analysts maintain that there are visible differences among leaders of Free Syrian Army and it also hardly exerts control on numbers of militant groups. So, it is the job of the international community to avoid avenging each other in Syrian ground. They should instead develop a diplomatic solution to the problem.

The current approach to empower oppositions through pouring arms or non-lethal assistance will splash petrol on the fire. No matter, how oppositions find the support, Syrian government is strong enough to stand to an extent to change Syria into a death land. And that is exactly what international community must prevent as part of humanitarian obligation.