Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Friday, July 5th, 2024

Ulema Council’s Inflammatory Statement

The Ulema Council has issued a harsh statement in follow-up of the recent anti-US tirades of President Karzai. It says if the United States does not respect the President’s demands; withdrawal from Maidan Wardak and transfer of Bagram prison, its continued presence would be considered “occupation”.

The statement issued on Saturday has used very outrageous language referring to the US and other NATO countries as ‘Kufar’ (infidels or non-believers). It will further inflame the already-strained situation after the recent statements of President Karzai. 

The statement referring to the Afghan media criticism of Karzai remarks says, “If the infidels have prisons, is it in the interest of the country? If the infidels torture women, children and our elders, is it in the interests of the country? No, these are not in the country's interest.” Going further with such provocative language, the statement says Allah does not allow Muslims to accept sovereignty of infidels over them. It added, "Afghanistan is a sovereign Islamic nation with a long history of rendering sacrifices to defend its independence, protect its religion and resist attempts at its enslavement."

The Ulema Council consists of some Mullahs on Karzai’s payroll often used on occasions to propagate for political agendas of the President either in dealing with domestic issues when there is a clash with parliament or the opposition, or in our foreign affairs with the international allies. Now their involvement with such a provocatively dangerous language seems President Karzai is firm to take the current system and country down with his thoughtless path that will lead us to the destination collapse.

This dangerous agenda-oriented involvement of the Ulema Council should be dealt with appropriately as it has become a Fatwa factory for narrow political interests of the small ruling group who are now attempting to create a situation of crisis aimed at manipulation of the upcoming transfer of power in 2014.

Now these moves are beyond criticism of the US for political bargaining in Kabul. It has dangerously become inflammatory on the grassroots level. The language in Ulema Council statement is a hard hit to dent our relations with the international community, particularly the United States.

We urge all the opposition groups to come strongly against this attempt as it can jeopardize Afghanistan’s future. The parliament needs to immediately call a session to discuss the trend and bring a resolution to condemn it.