Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

Healing Relations between Israel and Turkey

 Before setting off for Jordan, President Obama heard that Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Natanyahu apologized from Turkish people in a phone conversation with his Turkish counterpart, Racep Tayyib Erdogan for killing of 9 Turks human right activists in 2010. Three years ago, Israeli commandos attacked a Gaza-bound flotilla, aimed to city’s blockade and help Palestinian people.  After the incident the bilateral relation between two countries downgraded tremendously.

 Subsequently, Turkey called its ambassador and suspended diplomatic ties. Since then, Ankara officials turned harshest criticism toward Israeli and conditioned any assumption of relation to formal apology, payment of compensation as well as easing the blockade of Ghaza. In response, however, Israeli officials accepted to pay compensation to the families of nine Turks but used to decline to apologize, arguing that their navy commandos came under attack by people aboard flotilla.

 So, it is widely believed that the deadlock was ended under pressure of President Obama. He did what some newspaper called as ‘diplomatic coup’. According to reports, Prime Minister Natanyahu said, “In light of the Israeli investigation into the incident, which pointed out several operational errors, I apologize to the Turkish people for any errors that could have led to loss of life and agreed to complete the agreement on compensation.” According to statements, the United States has worked on this plan in order to bring its two close allies nearer as the region is facing a critical moment.

As Natanyahu wrote in his Facebook page, “The fact that the crisis in Syria is getting worse by the minute was the central consideration in my eyes”. The apology was welcomed by Ankara as it seemingly was interested to resume relation with Israel as both countries have huge in common in the case of diplomatic ties. Erdogan said on Saturday Israel’s apology met Turkey’s conditions and signaled its growing regional clout. “We are entering a new period in both Turkey and the region”.

“We are at the beginning of a process of elevating Turkey to a position so that it will again have a say, initiative and power, as it did in the past,” he continued as saying. Definitely, the restoration of bilateral relation benefit both countries though reflected as strong diplomacy of Ankara. Both countries are worried about the situation of Syria that what may happen to the country after the fall of President Assad. They need to cooperate closely as both can play important role in the current situation.