Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

Nuclear Negotiation Between Iran and Six Powers

The United Nations’ and unilateral sanctions by Western powers have pummeled Iran’s economy, causing domestic companies and factories shut down, sending inflation high to a record level, setting its national currency on free fall, yet it still resists against what Iranian officials brand as illegal demands of global powers.

The chief of its nuclear negotiator, Saeed Jalili, few days ago once again insisted on the rights of Iran to continue its uranium enrichment program. Tehran said that Mr. Jalili opened the negotiations in the Kazakhstan city of Almaty with goodwill, presenting a three point outline of its own vision for how the dispute may be resolved.

On the other hand, representatives of six global powers responded saying that three points outline was nothing than rehash of the old ideas. “There has not yet been a clear and concrete response to proposals that the powers made at the last nuclear negotiations at the same venue in February, a Western official has said.

The global powers are saying that the onus on Iran in order to meet their concerns and suspend or stop the uranium enrichment in exchange for incentive package provided by them like loosening the tight grip of economic and political sanctions. While Tehran views that imposition of sanctions were made under influence of United States and European countries that are following a plan to weaken the Islamic


According to a US credible research foundation, Iran has already paid huge price for its nuclear program---$100 Billion US ---yet there was no sign of retreat on the program. However, Tehran officials have already accepted about major effects of economic sanctions but meanwhile persist on resistance. The Western countries maintain that the continuance of economic sanctions which also include oil, the

major source of welfare programs, will certainly bring the government under pressure. So, in order to fund its programs, the government will be forced to distribute the burden on the shoulder of civilians that finally may spark civil uprising. While Tehran officials are trying to blame Western countries, particularly USA, for civilians suffering and, thus, divert public angers toward them. In such case, people may tolerate the economic problem and support the government to fulfill its ambition.

It is not clear where finally the brinkmanship may end but, in the case of failure of negotiation, the prospective point towards major disturbances in the country. Because oil sanctions will definitely affect global economy and Iran’s reserves will also diminish.