Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

Bleak Future Causing Afghans to Abandon their Country

Since the beginning of this year, Taliban have launched a number of well coordinated attacks in capital Kabul and other provinces of Afghanistan. Attacks over the last few days have taken lives of more than 50 Afghans while 6 Americans including a young diplomat – 25 years old – have been killed. The spring in Afghanistan – traditionally a season in which insurgent attacks spike – has already turned bloody.

Indeed, it was expected that as weather gets warmer Taliban insurgency would also increase. In contrast to other winters, the Taliban fighter did not rest this winter and launched scores of attacks in the capital and provinces of Afghanistan. These attacks include two attacks on National Directorate of Security (NDS) in one of which its head was critically injured.

The NATO troops are leaving the country by the end of the next year and without thousands of Afghans are having on mind to abandon their country. They fear blood might once again flow in the streets of Kabul. People have painful memories from Soviet invasion, civil war and Taliban regime. The simple question on their mind is, “The situation is so in the presence of tens of thousands of international security forces, what will happen when they get out of here?”

In a recent interview, President Hamid Karzai said that he had never planned to eradicate the Taliban. Asked if he called Taliban as terrorists, he replied, “I do not call Taliban terrorists. They were my brothers and are still my brother.” Such instances by head of the state, has created further confusion and ambiguity in the minds of the common Afghans.

There is no clear strategy on how the government will ensure security to the life of the people of Afghanistan in the absence of foreign troops. The peace process initiated by Karzai administration in 2010 has had no significant development. Every time the Afghan government has put effort to move a step forward in nudging the Taliban into talks, the Taliban have caused it to move two steps backward. Sympathy from Karzai’s side has met brutality from Taliban.

What is evident to the Afghan people is that the security condition is getting gravely deteriorated. It has deteriorated up to an extent that no one - lay man to high government authorities - feels safe. The future seems greatly horrific to the Afghans which has led majority of them to leave their country in search of safer places to live their life.