Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

Good Governance –Crucial To a Vibrant Democratic Afghanistan

Good governance is needed to make both the public and private sectors effective. A well governed country has also both these sectors well administered and in harmony with each other. When a country is not politically sound, its institutions will also be in poor condition. Cohesion between these sectors is impossible in the absence of good governance. In our country we can see that due to the bad governance our public and private sectors are in a great mess.

Every institution of public sector is suffering from mal-administration and worst corruption. The people reluctantly visit these institutions because they know the truants and dishonest elements would not lend half an ear. Even for public utilities task, people have to offer bribe. Without any favor or bribe it is very difficult to get any work done from the public offices.

Moreover, due to the malpractices of the public officials and misappropriation of public funds the infrastructure of public institutions has become cracked and a situation like chaos is prevailing all over the country. So, good governance is strictly needed in order to make governmental machinery effective.

Afghanistan’s 26.59m population with 36% below poverty line continues to face daunting challenges, including endemic poverty and lack of human capacity; insecurity; weak governance and institutionalized corruption; opium exports equal to 22% of gross domestic product; rampant gender inequality; and policy, regulatory, and institutional constraints that have limited effective growth in public and private sectors.

Governance is the dynamic interaction between people, structures, processes and traditions that support the exercise of legitimate authority in provision of sound leadership, direction, oversight, and control of an entity in order to ensure that its purpose is achieved, and that there is proper accounting for the conduct of its affairs, the use of its resources, and the results of its activities.

People must be educated without which they cannot protect their rights. Press can play a vital role in creating awareness among people regarding their problems and their solutions. In this way people would be able to demand their rights and will perform their duties in a more organized way. Thus, we can say without proper civic sense good and effective governance cannot be obtained.

Whereas good governance is needed for the smooth running of public institutions, it is also essential for maintaining the sovereignty of the country. If a country is poorly governed and there is a political instability, its enemies find opportunities in this situation and try to undermine it. While a badly governed country has many other problems to solve, it cannot ensure its security. A good governed country is economically strong and all the departments of the country function smoothly. It enables the rulers to strengthen the country’s security.