Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

Another Boat Carrying Afghans Sinks

Another boat carrying 72 Afghan asylum seekers from Indonesia to Australia is said to have sunk when it hit rocks off the coast of West Java. A fisherman has been able to rescue around a dozen of them. However, as many as 60 people are still missing. This is a great tragedy.

Such incidents have occurred for several times in the past and would happen again happen in the future. In August last year, 100 people drowned when their boat went down en route to Christmas Island of Australia. The prevailing security condition and uncertainty about the future of Afghanistan have led Afghans to risk their life for reaching advanced countries of the world. 

There is no clear strategy on how the government will ensure security to the life of the people of Afghanistan when the international troops withdraw. Every year, thousands of Afghans illegally travel to various countries of the world because they are not sure what tomorrow will bring. They try to escape the severe insurgency and do not want to be caught in any chaos that might replay the 90s in Afghanistan.

In the recent years, despite strict immigration rules in many advanced countries, the number of Afghans immigrants reaching Australia, Europe and other developed countries of the world has dramatically increased.

More than three decades have past but unfortunately, the people of Afghanistan face grave violence, war and conflict. News of terror attacks that take lives of innocent Afghans run on national and international media on daily basis. After the fall of Taliban government in 2001, millions of Afghan refugees returned to their country. But according to UNHCR figures, the number of Afghan refugees coming back to Afghanistan has decreased in the recent years. In the last t11 years, security has significantly deteriorated.

The Afghan government, although consistently supported by international community, has disappointingly failed to bring about any improvement in securing the lives of Afghans and bettering their living condition. What is evident to the Afghan people is that the security condition is getting gravely deteriorated.

It has deteriorated up to an extent that no one - lay man to high government authorities - feels safe. The future seem greatly horrific to the Afghans which has led majority of them to leave their country in search of safer places to live their life – a measure that might cost them their life.