Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

The Lingering Issue of Civilian Casualties

Civilian casualties once again become controversial. Earlier this month when media and Facebook users posted several harsh and heart-wrenching photos of dead children, all wings voiced out criticism and concern about such attacks. While condemning the attack, President Karzai ordered a commission to investigate the incident and find out the true story behind.

After days of investigation and interviews of local people, the commission presented their finding to President on Sunday. The investigation confirms the previous reports of civilian casualties. A total 17 civilians, including 12 children, died in a NATO-led air strike in Kunar province.

According to the findings, Afghan security forces had launched operation in search of two Taliban commanders. While they were about to leave the area, they came under an ambush by militants, as a

result, an American advisor died. So, US forces called for air support to transport the corpse of the victim, and per call for help, NATO planes had arrived and bombed the target area.

The fact-finding team, which presented its report to the president Saturday said, "Since the homes are made of wood and mud in those villages therefore they collapsed as a result of waves caused by the

air strike. Reacting to the incident President Karzai said, “As the reports confirm that armed Taliban were there in the area, therefore we strongly condemn the use of civilians and their homes as shields by

the Taliban. He also added, “We do not accept the conduct of any air strike on residential areas under any name and for any purpose whatsoever".

Mr. President also said the "act by the NATO-led forces was a violation of human rights and the presidential order which bans air strikes during operations in residential areas".

However, the relation of President Karzai has frequently been on rocky road over the issue of civilians’ casualties, it has remained as obsessing issue. He banned Afghan security Directorate to call for NATO air power and also night air strikes which were effective in hunting Taliban commanders.

Indeed, according to reports, NATO military commanders have held serious steps to take care of Afghan civilians yet we are eyewitness to unfortunate incidents. Indeed, the problem is that Taliban use civilians as human shields in order to deal serious blow to Afghan security forces and unfortunately, there are civilians who shelter militants against Afghan and Foreign forces which result in regrettable tolls.