Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

The Growing Uncertainties

With escalation of insecurity in the country, hopes for a better tomorrow are fading away in the already-torn-by-war country, Afghanistan. As a result of ouster of Taliban from government in 2001 and increase in role of international community, optimism grew among Afghans like never before.

A better outlook of future brought millions of Afghan refugees back to their country. But now not only the remaining millions of Afghans in countries like Pakistan and Iran have no intention to return to their country but also the number of Afghans seeking asylum in Western countries have been growing rapidly. This is an indicator of the ground realities in Afghanistan. There are grave political and economic uncertainties that have caused Afghans to look disappointingly at the future of their country.

The very purpose of the US-led war in Afghanistan has been countering terrorism and extremism and providing people with a secure environment for living. Nonetheless, as the war has gone prolonging, it is has started giving opposite outcomes. With the passage of each year, militants’ power and influence across Afghanistan has grown. More people have been losing their life as result of suicide attacks, bomb blasts, roadside bombs and other sorts of attacks.

Major factors contributing to growth of insurgency in Afghanistan has been drug trafficking and rampant corruption. The international community and the Afghan government have had no significant achievement in controlling opium production and growing administrative corruption in Afghanistan. And the terrorist organizations, gang groups, mafias and other criminal networks have making maximum uses of the condition.

Failure to improve the security condition and effectively fight evils of corruption and drug has also caused in low public trust over the government. A government formed by people’s vote is disappointingly failing to provide safety to their life and ensuring them a peaceful future.

As the withdrawal of NATO troops from Afghanistan nears, the security condition is expected to deteriorate further. This has resulted in worries of the people of Afghanistan to become manifold. They fear repetition of post-USSR scenario that resulted in mass murdering of tens of thousands of innocent Afghans and caused millions of them to migrate to neighboring and other countries of the world.