Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

Increase in Insurgents’ Attacks

As obvious, the insurgents have bolstered their activities across Afghanistan amid ongoing process of US-led NATO troops’ withdrawal. As Afghanistan National Security Force (ANSF) has gone grabbing more security responsibilities and now covers security of more than 80% of Afghanistan, terror attacks have also increased. Taliban have given a tough time to ANSF in the transitioned areas and it has suffered heavy casualties as compared to previous years. At the same time, in attacks that have occurred since the beginning of this year especially in Kabul, Farah, Helmand and Faryab provinces, scores of innocent civilians have lost their lives.

According to an Afghanistan NGO, there has been a sharp increase in the number of attacks in this year’s first three months, a recent study has revealed. The Afghanistan NGO Safety Office has let out that the first quarter saw 2331 attacks by armed opposition groups compared to 1581 during the same period last year, with statistical increase of 47% in the crime rate, the New York Times reports.

What has been revealed by the report is nothing surprising. Suicide attacks, targeted killings, roadside bombing and direct raid on ANSF are occurring on daily basis and Afghans witness the deteriorating security condition. Meanwhile, the Afghan government has been giving optimistic statements about the current situation and the future of the country. Such reports that actually reflect the ground realities do much to negate those statements. In reverse, if security condition had improved such a report would look baseless and the government would be in a better position to defend its statements.

Growing insecurity and concerns of the people of Afghanistan have had noteworthy negative impacts on the economic and social condition of the country with most Afghans having on mind the plan to escape lawlessness, insecurity and lack of employment opportunities. As the NATO moves closer to its troops’ withdrawal from Afghanistan, terror attacks are expected to further increase. The already-fragile achievements of the Afghan people would fall at the risk of being lost.

The international community continuing to reduce its military and financial roles and support in Afghanistan and with that, fears that the country would be further be grabbed by Islamic extremism is growing. In months and years to come, terror attacks might greatly increase. Afghan authorities should be ready for such a scenario and try strive to start the peace negotiations as soon as possible.