Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

Trilateral Talks in Brussels

The US Secretary of State John Kerry will host trilateral talks between the Afghan and Pakistani delegations led by President Karzai, and General Kayani in Brussels today. The meeting held after the NATO foreign ministers gathering is aimed at reviving the peace process.

The Afghan delegation includes President Hamid Karzai and Defense Minister Bismillah Khan Mohammadi while Pakistani side will be represented by Army Chief General Kayani, and Pakistan’s foreign secretary Jalil Abbas Jilani.

The meeting is being held at a time of tense accusations between Kabul and Islamabad. President’s spokesman on Monday once again accused that Pakistan is doing nothing significant for the peace process and that patience is running out. Aimal Faizi says Pakistan has not taken practical measures towards the peace process so far.

Similarly, yesterday the Chief of Army Staff General Karimi said, “Pakistan will never forbear its political aims towards Afghanistan, and is trying to recognize its borders and use water resources of Afghanistan more than before. It looks for having a government in Afghanistan that is under its dominance." Talking to the Senate, he made further accusations regarding last weeks’ news of check posts built by Pakistan on the border.

The General made remarks on where he thinks the key to AfPak issue lies. He said that US and NATO should resolve the border issues between Pakistan and Afghanistan. As long as the international community and both countries ignore the main source of tension, there will not be genuine cooperation on both sides and occasionally accusations will get fiercer that could go to a level of collision after 2014 withdrawal of the international troops. 

Deputy Foreign Minister also spoke in Senate making the strongest remarks from the Ministry so far. Jawed Ludin said Pakistan has constantly played double game against Afghanistan and that our neighbor is the greatest source of security threat to Afghanistan, and has acted twofold at every talk with the government of Afghanistan.  Some senators made right criticism of the officials saying they did not hold constant view of Pakistan, making contradictory statements every month. One senator said, "Sometimes they call the country as a friend, but sometimes accusing it for violations and expanding insecurity – a matter which is distressing.”

In such an atmosphere and accusations, it would be very difficult to expect any positive development at the trilateral meeting in Brussels. The current administration has not been able to offer much from talks with Taliban to relations with the US and NATO and Pakistan. Now only a new elected leadership in 2014 can tackle major national issues.