Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

Suspicious Boston Attacks

Boston Marathon attacks and their follow-up covered most of the time of media in last two weeks. It was an attack that left a child and two women dead and injured more than 200. One of the attackers was killed on the spot while other was arrested later on. They were found to be Chechens and the motives behind their attack are still under debate. Anyhow, this small attack gave a new chance for the American media and security agencies to raise the concerns about the security of the States and thus the need for spending more and more on security agencies was emphasized.

The attack was followed by an explosion and fire in a fertilizer plant that was also termed to be an act of terror though there were no proofs at hand. Similarly, police claimed that same terrorists had planned to carry out a terror attack in the crowded Time Square of New York. According to the New York City police chief, the attack could have resulted in massive loss of lives of the citizens of New York City. Anyhow, different points of this plot are still under debate and many suspicions have been raised about them.

Though CNN and other American news channels were busy in continuous coverage of these incidents but the media in rest of the world especially the newspapers, raised many suspicions about these attacks. According to the experts of criminology, there were many weak points in these attacks and it looked as if these incidents were planned to increase the fear of Americans against the terror groups as they had not received any such frightening news since long and had started questioning about the budget spending to curb terrorism if there was not present any visible threat from them.

Similarly, both the houses of American parliament were in favor of cutting massive military spending on the name of fighting terrorism as the process of exit of American troops from Iraq and Afghanistan has started and terror groups have largely been silenced. It is said that these attacks were planned in order to assure the members of American parliament that terrorists are still in position to hit American targets both inside and outside the American territory. It was also necessary to assure the allies of United States that their war on terror is not a game that has come to its end and they still need to keep together to tackle with this monster. Such discussions are still circulating in the media and time will prove the reality and true motives behind these attacks.