Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Sunday, June 30th, 2024

Leading Afghanistan into a Chaos

Few weeks before the start date for withdrawal of the US forces from Afghanistan, the forces contributing nations have run of patience because of what they observe in Afghanistan: increasing expenses and insecurity, huge death toll and little achievement. The Afghan government also expresses concern on how they are operating. Calling the NATO operations in Afghanistan as "arbitrary" and unnecessary, President Karzai spoke with the harshest tone he has ever had against NATO forces on the civilian casualties in Helmand on Sunday May 29, 2011.

Civilian casualty has turned to a conflicting question that is said to have helped insurgents get access to more safe havens in various parts of the country. To avoid civilian casualties, the government has frequently asked the international peace keeping forces to plan their operations more considerately. NATO forces' failure to put off civilian casualties has led to annoyance of Afghan president and waves of public protests and distrust.

On the other hand, a number of opinion polls in NATO countries clearly suggested that their governments should pull back the troops stationed here since a decade ago. Public pressure on governments originates from the fact that the blunders committed during a decade-long NATO presence in Afghanistan have led to deterioration of security, failed reconstruction projects and abortive institution building process. The statistics say that each year past is worse than previous one in terms of security and public trust to the government's ability and its international backing allies.

As seen, this year is so vital for winning or losing the war and getting the mission accomplished. As ever, violence continues harassing people's lives and downplaying achievements in Afghanistan. Shortly before the transition process begins, the perspective of peace, development and stability remains erratic in Afghanistan. Battling a multilateral dilemma, the government is too weak to stand on its own.

Having reached the outset of the transition process, President Karzai government seems self-doubting on its capability to run the job independently. The rampant corruption, low capacity, divergent policies and inefficient strategies have so far spoiled the resources spent to win the war and build a stable, developed and democrat Afghanistan. In the meanwhile, the recent hard-hitting series of lethal operations by Taliban militants across the country such as those in Kandahar, Kabul, Takhar and, the most recent, in Heraat clearly demonstrate absolute futility of Karzai government's impractical appeasement policies, recently enhanced by establishing the pointless High Peace Council.

The government's feeble stance against militants since 2004 and the international community's strategic mistakes are leading the country to a total chaos. The nation fears return of Taliban following a decade of war. The myth of insuperable Taliban has duped world strategists involved here and the Afghan policy makers. As the government is holding a new round of pointless traditional assembly, the country is going through its most decisive moments that can either fall in a grave chaos or survive the current disappointing situation. However, there is little optimism for survival.