Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

Prospect of Afghan Economy

When we talk about the foreign troops’ withdrawal from Afghanistan, we predict – keeping in view our past and current experience – that security will deteriorate. But we are forgetting one important point and that is the negative impact on our economy that will be left behind by reduction of international engagement in Afghanistan. The collapse of Afghan economy will be unavoidable, if there are not proper measures to improve the law and order situation.

With the support from international community Afghanistan has had noteworthy achievement, although challenges remain solid. Today Afghanistan has a government elected through a democratic process, a growing economy, functional media, civil society, thousands of running educational institutes, women in the offices and in parliament and an upright army. These achievements must not be neglected, although the country faces severe challenges like lowest security, massive corruption, drug trafficking etc.

Development in Afghanistan has been possible through support from international community. But Afghanistan has reached a point where the international community has planned to diminish its military and non-military roles. By the end of 2014, most of the NATO forces will be withdrawn from Afghanistan.

The international community is reducing its role and with that drastic decrement in aids is anticipated. International financial aids are what Afghanistan economy solely depends on but how long? How long can the Western countries pour funds in Afghanistan? They should be worried about their own economies.

Investment in various areas, mining on the top and followed by agricultural and industrial sectors could push the economy of Afghanistan towards self-reliance. But that can only happening if the security condition is improving not deteriorating.

Already the Afghan economy is failing to create job opportunities – according to Ministry of Labor, about two million people, mostly youth, are unemployed in Afghanistan – reduction of international financial assistance would lead this country towards recession and its weak economy will perish before it nurtures to satisfactory level. 

The government needs work with international community to improve security, win the trust of investors by providing them safety and facilities, reduce corruption in its own offices and curb the illegal trade of opium. Whether today or tomorrow, western money will stop coming to Afghanistan. Although government has wasted much time – a decade – by flying blind, still it is not too late to strategically plan for boosting the economy and maintaining the economic gains of the last 11 years.