Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

Civilian Massacre Continues

Taliban militants continue slaughtering innocent civilians in bloodbath.  A roadside bomb in Kandahar has killed at least 11 civilians, including children and. A vehicle was hit by an improvised explosive device, seriously injuring 12 others. The dead include four women and three children.

Last month they in a gruesome attack, militants killed over sixty, mostly innocent civilians in Farah. The government which is quick on deaths by foreign troops has released a token condemnation statement as usual. No live press conference or visit of the victims by President Karzai or any senior government officials. Taliban would not admit when their IEDs and suicide bombers kill innocent civilians, despite wide media reporting. How long will the innocent civilian be massacred and butchered by the Taliban? Why there is no outrage across the country on deaths by Taliban, but only when there is a clash on border with Pakistan or Iran? Our selective outrage has emboldened the Taliban to continue terror as their weapon to suppress people into submission.

The inhuman act of terror killing dozens of innocent Afghans show what Taliban want for the future of this country. Terror is their way and they will face the wrath of masses, since the government seems not to be bothered with the daily loss of lives of ordinary people. If it was not the government’s incapacity and lack of a coherent counterinsurgency and anti-terrorism policy, there would not have been armed uprisings by local villages in many districts of the volatile provinces. It shows the extreme frustration of people with their loss of trust and confidence on the structure and institutions of state to protect them.

How long will the Karzai Administration continue the policy of attempts to appease Taliban with incapacity to protect lives of Afghan civilians? The popular local armed uprisings in Andar, Panjwai and other districts show people are fed up of the Taliban bullying and ready to take up arms in their defense.

On one hand it is a good omen that villagers are standing up against the Taliban, but on the other hand, it shows the disappointment with the Afghan state and its security apparatus. Though Afghan National Security Forces can pursue a tough fight with intensive support of the International Security Forces, but President Karzai wants to talk to his angry brothers. He banned ANSF to call ISAF for aerial support. The US Special forces were asked to withdraw from Wardak and dangerous militants are being released from Bagram. It all forces the people to worry about their security and uncertain future.