Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

Kabul & Kandahar Attacked One After Another

As we will move ahead, Afghans may witness more violence in the form of suicide attacks, bomb blast and coordinated attacks by insurgents, albeit the chances of the Kabul government to collapse remain little. That is what even the government authorities claim. Since the beginning of 2013, insurgent’s attacks have escalated. With announcement of Taliban’s spring offensive, the security condition – as can be observed – has deteriorated increasing the concerns of common Afghans about the future of their country.

In just two days, the insurgents launched attacks in two important cities of Afghanistan. After months of calm, Kabul the capital city of Afghanistan was targeted by a suicide bomber on May 16.  A Toyota Corolla packed with explosives rammed a pair of American military vehicles in Kabul, setting off a blast that killed at least 16 people, including 6 American military advisers. Hezb-e Islami led by Gulbaddin Hekmatyar took responsibility of this attack. People affiliated to the groups is said to have important positions in the Afghan government.

Another deadly attack came on May 17. Two car bombs killed at least nine people in the southern Afghan city of Kandahar. More than 60 people were wounded in the blasts, mostly civilians. The blasts happened in Aino Mina, an elite housing development on the outskirts of the city.

Such is the condition in Afghanistan after about eleven years of investment in blood and treasure. Taliban are threatening the lives and properties of Afghan people. Even the government offices are partially or even not functioning in many districts of Afghanistan due to security threats by Taliban. These factors have made the future of Afghanistan vague and the level of uncertainty is growing taking the country towards backwardness and more chaos.

We are in such a condition in the presence of tens of thousands international troops. In reverse condition (when they withdraw in the end of 2014), everything would be much concerning than they are today. Long term presence of foreign troops is a must for Afghanistan as its own forces do not have the enough capability to stand against insurgents alone for long. 

When a common Afghan has to suffer due to the worst security condition, then the future is seem dangerous in regards of peace and stability of the country. Although the US and its allies are withdrawing their troops from here, insurgency remains undefeated. There is no strong guarantee that Afghanistan will not turn into an epicenter of extremists - once again - after 2014.