Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

Safeguarding the Sanctity of Public Offices

The dirty game of blames and accusations between the Finance Minister and members of parliament got worse when the attorney general sought permission to investigate the charges and listen to both the sides in this regard. All these started when some of the parliamentarians accused the Finance Minister of corruption and demanded him to be summoned to the parliament to clear his position.

Among these, six parliamentarians were very active and strongly insisted for the investigation of these charges against the said minister. In reply to these, the honorable minister also issued a charge sheet of verbal accusations according to which, all these six parliamentarians were involved in illegal activities like smuggling, and accepting bribe in their respective offices. This latest statement by the minister sparked a new light in this controversy and it became the most debated issue in both the print and electronic media.

It is a good call that attorney general’s office has intervened in the issue and asked for both the sides to come up with tangible evidences for their accusations. This would not only bring an end to this verbal war but would also decide if our parliamentarians and the said minister are actually corrupt or not.

The High Office of Over-Sight and Anti-Corruption said that it is a good step to start a campaign against the high officials of government who usually keep accusing each other of different illegal acts of corruption and bribery.

Nevertheless, this act of blames and accusations are very shameful. In developed countries, when a minister or politician is accused by any one, he immediately resigns from his post. This is really shameful that even after so many accusations, the said minister and parliamentarians have not done anything that should reflect their sincere and mature political approach and resorted mostly on defending their acts in the media.

We strongly stress the government authorities and especially the honorable president to intervene in the issue and make sure a transparent investigation of the issue so that our politicians should avoid getting indulged in illegal activities. This would be also a good lesson for the rest of the ministers and parliamentarians that they will have to keep a clean hand if they claim to be the servants of public and if they want hold such important posts.

It is also necessary that our politicians must learn the norms of talking in public and abide by the etiquettes of politics because such a childish attitude of accusations and blaming not only harms the general image of ministers and public figures but also belittles the sanctity of the important organs of the state like ministries and parliament.

If there was any serious problem, it should be dealt with professionally and brought to the knowledge of the concerned authorities who would then take necessary corrective measures. Such a thoughtful and mature approach would not only solve the root causes of similar problems but would also retain and safeguard the sanctity and good image of public offices.