Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

Need of Police for Police!

With every passing day, we witness more and more events or occasions when our police force deployed in the capital city crosses its limits and creates numerous problems for the fellow citizens. No doubt, they have all the authority to be vigilant to catch militants or other such factors for which every citizen must extend due cooperation but there are many things done by our police force that doesn’t suit them. Police siren is meant to be used with due responsibility and only on critical situations like when chasing a criminal but they are carelessly and repeatedly used. When a police chief is going to his office or an officer is taking his family somewhere in the police van, they at once start the siren and force the people to vacate the way for them. Due to this behavior, police siren is being taken very lightly by the common public.

Police vehicles seem to be ignorant or void of any traffic laws and they drive without considering their turn or other traffic procedures.

In the same way, VIP movements in which roads are blocked or fast-moving vehicles pass forcing the others to stop on a side or leave the way for them, are meant for high-rank and important government officials like President, ministers but we often witness such tactics being adopted by police officers as well. One thinks if police officers are afraid of terrorists and thus make these swift movements, then who would be responsible for the security of common public.

Policemen are no doubt trained about usage of weapons and physical combat but they seem to be in dire need of training to behave properly in a civilized society. When they have to take their vehicle out or on other similar occasions, they shout and abuse others and if someone tries to argue with them, he is at once attacked and beaten badly. Many times we have seen a civilian beaten and bathed in his own blood by our brave policemen over a very petty issue. Similarly, the way they talk and address people is not acceptable in any civilized society.

It is said that future of a nation depends on teachers and present on a hardworking police force. No doubt, there may be many who would be working sincerely to protect the lives of citizens but there are also present some black sheep who need to be removed out of this force. It is needed that they should be continuously checked so that they should act and behave according to the standard codes of conduct. It is hoped that our suggestions in this regard would not be ignored by the police chiefs.