Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

The Prospective of International Conference on Syria

The prospective for possible international conference has already stuck in “ifs”. Previously, there was doubt that Syrian government ever participates in the conference which was initiated by Russia, the Assad’s close ally, and the United States the supporter of rebels.

Days ago, Russia made it clear that representative of Assad’s regime will participate but oppositions have voiced out skepticism that why the regime itself did not announce its preparedness.

On Friday last week Russian foreign ministry spokesman Alexander Lukashevich said that Moscow had received the Damascus government’s assurance that it would take part in the talks, during a visit this week by Syria’s Deputy Foreign Minister Faisal Muqdad. “We note with satisfaction that we have received an agreement in principle from Damascus to attend the international conference in the interest of the Syrians themselves finding a political path to resolve the conflict,” he added.

Meanwhile oppositions expressed skepticism saying Damascus remained silent. But beside whether the government or fractured opposition will take part there are some other issues that should be noticed.

Beyond doubt, Arab and Western allies would exert enough influence to pull opposition into the conference and paramount is the state of Russia regarding the government but what would be the result of the conference? President made it very clear that he does not have any intention to step down till the formal end of his presidency period in 2014.

It means that he may not compromise with rebels on his leadership. On the other hand, oppositions made it clear that if there was a way that President Assad steps down; they will participate in the conference; otherwise they would not.

The statement also comes from those who are engaged in political bargain and represent somehow rebels who held arms for political reforms not from those hardliners who are fighting on the ground merely due to religious sentiments.

There is sharp doubt that the opposition coalition asserts enough influence on rebellion groups fighting with Syrian soldiers on the ground. When a video clip of leader of a rebel group was published earlier this year showing him taking bite of the liver of a death Syrian soldier, opposition promised to persecute him but meanwhile till now nothing has happened.

Perhaps, opposition leaders are not in a position to bring such groups under the accepted war rules. With such fractured structure on the other hand inflexibly of President Assad, it looks really hard that possible international conference may put an end to 26 months chaos which has left more than 90,000 dead, according to some sources.