Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

On the Success of Students’ Hunger Strike

After eight days of hunger strike, on May 27, Afghan government yielded to the demand of students. Eighty students went on hunger strike against claimed discrimination and low quality of education in the department.

Half of them were hospitalized and after breaking the hunger strike, most of them are admitted in hospital for their physical recovery. However, the government was resisting against their legal demand, but finally concerned officials yielded to their demands.

Like thousands of people across the country, the victory of a historical civil movement brought about tears in eyes. It sparked hopes that the country is stepping on the right track and may after long-lasting violence and war, the nation may finally move towards a better future.

Some of the people suggested naming May 27 as “National Students Day” which annually should be celebrated as the first successful civil movement by university students who are responsible to push the country out of its historical dilemmas.

Indubitably, it is worth to do so. Because during the history, the ground rule for victory was power and cleansing policies. Individuals, groups and parties have always tried to achieve their goals through warning, intimidation and depending on magazine of Kalashnikov. 

But it is the first time that students having none of the above mentioned tools--- warning, intimidation, and Kalashnikov --- achieved their goals through endangering their lives and sacrificing themselves.

So, isn’t it worth to be named National Students Day? Cannot Afghan officials for the first time in history do just one thing for the sake of national unity and national building?

All Afghans should notice and value such civil movement. If such movements get institutionalized and get root at the ground level then Afghans will rapidly develop into prestigious and popular country. I hope Afghan officials should be the first individuals to hurry ahead and emphasize on such changes. During past centuries our country largely suffered due to communal differences and clashes.

Meanwhile none of the ethnic groups was completely wiped and would not be. Even if those radical and prejudiced individuals who see the benefit of their ethnic groups in stability should understand that war and violence will certainly guide all involved ones to the hell.

If the war and fight was a solution, Afghanistan should not have the current problem because it has been more than centuries that cycle of war, violence and misery goes round and round. So, nothing is ok.  Is not it better to resume peaceful methods that other people on this very earth tried and succeeded.  Definitely, the only way forward is civil movements.