Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

Media Has Flourished Despite Security Threats

Over the last eleven years, freedom to speak has caused many developments in the media and has helped in opening the minds of people to allow them to be better informed. Although challenges remain solid for ‘freedom of expression,’ things have to be allowed to move forward with, though slow but, consistent pace.

Print and electronic media have a troublesome history in Afghanistan. There were numerous restrictions on media in Afghanistan before Taliban took over the country. However, Taliban proved to be the worst for freedom of speech. They simply crushed all forms of media. Taliban’s era turned out to be the bleakest era in the history of Afghan media.

When Afghanistan was under the Taliban regime, media was locked in a box. Television sets were hanged, musical cassettes and CDs both audio and video disappeared from the market. Nobody was allowed to take or draw any pictures. According to them such activities were not Islamic and if anyone listened to music or watched a movie he had to bear severe punishment under Islamic Shariah imposed by Taliban. Thankfully, Taliban were ousted from government in late 2001.

When it comes to freedom of expression there is a difference of cheese and chalk between Afghanistan under Taliban and post-Taliban Afghanistan. Over the last decade, dozens of TV channels, hundreds of radio channels, newspapers and magazines have been established which in itself signals the growth of media and freedom of speech in a country.

Development of media in Afghanistan has not occurred without sacrifices. Scores of people working with Afghan media as reporter, anchor, actor, editor or writer have been gunned down by insurgents or criminal with unknown identity.

The government has failed to bring the murderers to justice. Additionally, working for a media in certain provinces that are under strong influence of Taliban is a greatly risky task. Therefore, the biggest challenge for media and freedom of expression is not the restrictions levied by the government but the worst level of security prevailing in the country.

The government must allow media to flourish in a secure environment and work to address issues being faced by media and freedom of expression. Letting the people speak freely has a very crucial role in mental advancement of masses in a country. On the other hand a strong media serves as an invaluable asset for a country.