Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

Unemployment Bites the Young Lads

The central statistics organization has calculated the country’s population to be 27 million. An emerging idea has grown in the mind of the public that an impending social crisis is in the rouse if the government cannot tackle the huge amount of unemployment.

However the ministries of the related affairs instead of taking the precautions of an enormous social crisis are passing the bucks elsewhere. Every other countries of central Asia consisting Afghanistan, Pakistan, Uzbekistan and so many more are suffering, from economical point of view, they do face the music regarding the social problems.

The people of Afghanistan are very poor and they do live in the low standards of living as compared to our vicinities. By the time international troops entered our homeland people were regarding their entrance as a new beginning for the Afghan’s fortune.

They were looking forward to having a tightened social, economical, cultural and of course political infrastructure. In spite of maintaining their hearts in their mouths and monitoring the performance of international community it was believed by the Afghans that history is in the making and we will have a humongous and huge turnover regarding our problems.

One of those problems is unemployment for sure. Annually thousands of intellectuals of afghan people are graduated whilst majoring from several departments but the point to ponder about is that the graduated lads are out of employment.

Afghanistan’s Chamber of Commerce and Industries believes that the government has to rebuild and rehabilitate the private sectors in order to bring changes in the rate of unemployment. If we put a glance over the past and present of the world’s industrial countries the countries that are on the top of world’s business and economy we will come to an aspect that those countries have had supported and groomed the private sectors and private investments.

Unfortunately in our country people are stuck in governmental jobs they stick their nose in government to find jobs. It is a wrong believe in the mindset of Afghans’ people. There is a dire need of changes regarding their concentration. People should try to repair the smashed and torn infrastructure of private investments.

It can be observed easily that jobs are scarce as diamonds. Unemployment or joblessness is the most difficult and the most challenging obstacles in the way of improvement because it is the fountain and source of all the monkey business and devil works.