Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

Government Regained Control over Al-Qasir

After fierce battle between Syrian army and rebellions in strategic city of Al-Qasir, the government succeeded to push back its oppositions and take full control of the city. During last two weeks, the city depicted scenes of severe battle much similar to horror movies. Reportedly, Syrian soldiers with the support of Hezbollah militants commenced aerial and ground attack on the city which previously had fallen to hands of rebellions.

Both the government and rebellions confirmed that the city was captured by government supporters. Oppositions confirmed that they retreated back from the city but Syrian and Hezbollah-backed TV channels reported of heavy casualties and surrender of armed oppositions. Meanwhile Iran, one of the key supporters of President Assad, which is blamed of military and technical support, formally congratulated its ally over the success.

General Salim, the commander of Syrian free army, told to Reuters that Hezbollah militants are occupying Syria while the government does not do anything, in spite of presence of thousands of Salafists and other Islamic radicals poured from the rest of Arabian countries including Lebanon to fight the regime of President Assad and establish an Islamic government. 

Since the start of armed uprising, thousands of militants linked to al-Qaeda networks have joined Syrian oppositions to fight secular government and build a Shariah-based Islamic government. Groups like Al-Nusra which also carried out spectacular bombings in the country has openly announced of its linkage with Al-Qaeda.

Analysts maintain that such groups are indeed very strong in the battle ground and National Syrian Coalition does not exert much influence on them. Anyhow, the city is of high importance for both sides. Oppositions could easy move into Lebanon and get the support of Salafists. For the government it is important to join Damascus the power center of the regime to Mediterranean offshore.

No doubt, when the government started the battle against militants, it soon became the focal point of conflict. However, in the rest of countries, battle continues but attention was turned to Al-Qasir. The fight changed into important mission for President Assad to send a strong message to his domestic and external oppositions that his government is still able to challenge any power inside the country.

Though there were reports that hundreds of rebellions from the rest of the country poured in but they could not stand against strong aerial power because they still do not have access to such modern weapons to strike regime’s air power.