Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

Never procrastinate

Punctuality, being in time, acting and performing in the right seconds can change our destiny because opportunities nock your fortune once. If it is gone, it is vanished and disappeared in a matter of seconds you will never have that chance again, for that reason always avoid procrastinating. Timetable and schedule have a vital role in building your life standards never feel lazy in performing the required tasks and missions because everything has a specific time. Being able to stop procrastinating can completely start to change your life around for the better.

Procrastination occurs when you have something to do, you know you should be doing it, but for one reason or another, you are not doing it. This can be a habit that can literally destroy your life if you do not take control of it. It is important to understand why you procrastinate and, therefore, you must learn tips to help yourselves take action more often in order to achieve your goals and get the actions done that are needed to be done.

Before you can stop procrastination, you first need to understand what causes it in the first place. It is actually quite simple. The reason why we do or do not do anything comes down to two things: pain and pleasure. Everything we do comes down to either avoiding pain or gaining pleasure. Let us take an example. Have you ever procrastinated on studying or writing a term paper? Of course you have. But why do we do this when we know it is important? The reason is because we associate more pain to taking action than not taking action.

Now what normally ends up happening after you have procrastinated to the last minute? No matter how much people would procrastinate on doing something, there will come a time when they will just bite the bullet and just get it done. The reason is because after a while, not getting that task done is more painful than just getting it done.

Understanding why you procrastinate will help you stop being a procrastinator. Think about the last time you put something off. Now ask yourself why you put it off. Chances are, the reason why you just did not get the job done was because you associated some type of pain to taking action. Now think about something you do not have a problem doing like going out with your friends. The reason why you will not put something like that off is because you associate pleasure to doing it.