Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

Karzai Refers Taliban as Enemies of Islam

Continued terror by Taliban and their latest attack on employees of Supreme Court caused President Hamid Karzai to refer Taliban as enemies of Islam instead of calling them as angry brothers. Tuesday’s bloody attack carried out by using an explosive-laden vehicle resulted in the death of 17 civilians and injury of several others. The Taliban immediately took responsibility of their shameful, anti-human and anti-Islamic act. Condemning attack on Supreme Court, President’s Office said in a statement, "President Hamid Karzai condemns the bombing, pronouncing it was another heinous act of terror which indicates that the Taliban insurgents are enemies of Islam."

Despite harsh criticism from various political and social circles, Mr. Karzai has been calling Taliban as his ‘annoyed brothers.’ Calling them brother has borne no sweet fruit for the President. His own brother, Ahmad Wali Karzai who was Head of Kandahar Provincial Council was shot dead in 2011.

Not caring of brotherhood, the Taliban have continued enhancing their acts of terror across Afghanistan. Over the past six month, violence has dramatically spiked in Afghanistan raising concerns among common Afghans. Recent attacks are part of Taliban’s spring offensive which has already been bloodier than previous years. 

With escalation of violence across the country, hope of Afghans about peace and stability is fading away.Suicide attacks, targeted killings, roadside bombs and abductions that Afghans have to face on daily basis reduce their hope and add to their disappointments. As Afghanistan will move ahead, insurgency is expected to further increase which might put the little stability in Afghanistan at the verge of destruction.

By now, the Karzai administration must have realized that the Taliban leadership has no interest in resolving the Afghan war through table talks. Unwillingness of Taliban leadership to talk has caused the High Peace Council (HPC) to remain merely a symbolic body. HPC has had more losses than gains.

Time has come when President Karzai should rethink over the policies he has adopted towards Taliban insurgents. It would be welcoming, if the government adopts a clear and straightforward stance towards them. Killing of innocent men, women and children in hand of Taliban on daily basis is more than enough to establish the fact that they have no respect for Islam, humanity and Afghanistan.