Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

Afghanistan’s Disappointing Position in GPI

In an interview to BBC in October 2011, President Hamid Karzai admitted to the fact that Afghan government and its international backers had failed to provide security to the life of common Afghans, although these days he mostly blows the trumpet of achievements of his government. 'We have done terribly badly in providing security to the Afghan people and this is the greatest shortcoming of our government and of our international partners. What we should do is provide better and a more predictable environment of security to the Afghan citizens and in that the international community and the Afghan government definitely have failed,” Karzai had said in the interview.

After passage of more than a year and half, it seems like Karzai administration and its international partners have failed to fulfill their greatest shortcoming which is providing security to the life of the people of Afghanistan. Peace continues to remain a dream as insurgency has spiked manifold when compared with previous years and more Afghans are falling victim of terrorism every day.

In addition to being in the list of most corruption countries of the world and top producer of opium, Afghanistan is the least peaceful country in the world. Afghanistan remains at the rock bottom -- in 162nd position -- on the 2013 Global Peace Index (GPI), faring poorly in terms of political stability and respect for human rights.

Launching the index at the GPI headquarters in New York on Thursday, experts said the world had become less peaceful in the past year, calling Afghanistan the biggest faller. Afghanistan has always been in the bottom 10 since the index started in 2007. In fact, the country was deemed less peaceful now than it was in 2008.

Since the ouster of Taliban from government, security has continuously gone deteriorating with the passage of each year. Now there is pressing need for change in the administration.

The best opportunity to make this change possible is the next year’s presidential election. The international community must support Afghans to elect a government that can alter the situation of their country for better. The chapter of bloodshed that has continued since long in Afghanistan can only be closed if a sincere, patriotic, transparent and accountable government can be installed in Kabul through free, fair and transparent election in 2014 or else condition may worsen in regards to peace and stability. Afghanistan would maintain its position of being the least peaceful country in the world.