Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

Transparent Elections Should be Top Priority

The opposition grand alliance Cooperation Council of the Political Parties and Coalitions of Afghanistan (CCPPCA) has once again warned the circles inside Palace to avoid any adventurism with the upcoming Presidential elections. After a meeting on Sunday June 23, 2013, the group in a joint statement said the people of Afghanistan and political parties would not tolerate any attempt by the ruling circle to stick to power through any illegal extension.

The statement said there have been efforts in this regard. In probable reference to some rallies organized in Kandahar demanding extension to President Karzai’s tenure, the CCPPCA said the government should stop all such efforts for delay of elections or any alternative plan. It urged the Government to focus on holding free, fair and transparent elections to ensure smooth transfer of power.

Opposition groups with another joint statement have once again reminded the Government that any misadventure will bring disaster and all responsibility will go to the current rulers. We believe there has been efforts underway to find alternative to the elections or cause a delay in the schedule. But such efforts would not succeed. Afghan opposition groups are all strongly united on one agenda—free, fair and transparent elections next year on time. But unfortunately the rulers have been making plots how to delay the process and make an extension to power or find an alternative to the elections, as we have talks of a national consensus.

The opposition groups warned they would fight for the democratic values and the process if the efforts of adventurism continued and any attempt was made to avoid the elections.

Seeing the preparation process of elections, the government does not seem to be doing it’s responsibility enthusiastically to ensure polls are held on time without any obstacles. The coldness from the first day and delay-tactic with the elections law and electronic IDs continue to remain as it has been.

The international community should ensure that elections are being held on time and without any issues. The Government should be pressurized to ensure all the preparations needed, as well as make it conditional to any kind of support for the Government and the process. If we see a similar episode like the 2009 controversial elections, it will cause serious chaos and eventual crisis across the country.

The current rallies in Kandahar in support of an extension to President Karzai term not only make demands against the constitution, but also provoke political instability in the country. The Government is actually behind such attempts and it should stop it.