Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

Unemployment would be a Major Challenge

It is really necessary for a state to create job opportunities for its population. Job opportunities would definitely enable the residents of a state to make positive use of their capabilities for betterment and development of a society.

If the job opportunities in a state are limited and the unemployment is rampant, the consequences are really severe. Though unemployment in itself is a severe problem, it is also the root of many other problems.

Afghan society is one of the societies that have been haunted by the ghost of unemployment to a threatening degree. As the country has been largely dominated by different era of disorder and instability, the socio-economic infrastructure has not been developed much and as a result the job opportunities have always been limited.

In fact, unemployment has done great damage to Afghan society. The people who have not been employed have mostly become the part of terrorist networks or the filthy business of narcotics, or even they have become addicted to drugs. As they do not have any other work to do or any way of making both ends meet they do not have much option but to join insurgency.

It is also feared that after the international forces withdraw from the country, the country would face major economic challenges. One of the biggest challenges would be to create job opportunities for Afghan people. In absence of sufficient job opportunities, it would be really very difficult to maintain peace, tranquility and order. The international community and the Afghan authorities must make sure that they create enough jobs so as to save the country from falling into instability and economic crisis.

One of the major steps to guarantee job opportunities for Afghan society has been taken by British government. It announced on Friday, June 28 that it has plans of creating more than 50,000 new jobs for Afghan people, including men and women in different sectors, especially in business, agriculture and textile sectors. Department for International Development (DFID) mentioned in its annual operational plan for Afghanistan that the fresh commitment of creating jobs was built on the 20,000 employment opportunities created since 2011.  

The Secretary for DFID Justine Greening said, “UK support in Afghanistan has already brought major improvements over the last 10 years. We have been clear that we will continue to stand alongside Afghans as they shape their country beyond military drawdown, with development funding already committed to 2017.”

Such commitments are really necessary for future of Afghanistan and it is also necessary that they must be fulfilled as well. The other strong countries having strategic agreements with Afghanistan must also pursue such intentions as it would be a major contribution in uprooting one of the main causes of instability. Afghan government, in the same regard, should make sure to keep such an intention as top priority matter if it is really interested in achieving peace and tranquility for Afghan people.