Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Sunday, June 30th, 2024

Uncertainty is the Only Certain Prospect

Once again there are pieces of news which Afghan people do not like to hear so frequently – bomb blasts and suicide attacks. On Saturday June 04, 2011 there have been two incidents; first, blasts in Kandahar University that resulted in unfortunate deaths of two students and severe injuries to three others; second, the suicide attack by a woman that targeted US military convoy in Kunar, killing an Afghan translator and injuring two others.

The second blast is worth consideration in a sense that the suicide bombing was carried out by a woman, which is the first suicide bombing, carried out by a woman since the ouster of Taliban in 2001. This also worries the security officials in a sense that picking out the suicide bombers among the women can really be a Herculean task, which otherwise, is already not easy. Further, involvement of women, the docile section of Afghan society, shows the extent of spread of terror in our society.

The rampant bombings and suicide attacks in the country, which are pointing at the worsening situation of peace and security along with the haste of American forces to leave the country and incapacity of Afghan forces to deal with the situation all lead us towards an uncertain future of our country; add to this, the incapacity of the government to hold the country united and strong through political vigilance and administrative aptitude.

Though US Defense Secretary, Robert Gates, has mentioned during his last visit to Afghanistan as Pentagon Chief that success is the only option in Afghanistan because the failure can prove very costly, but he seems to be pointing at the strategic ties that US is forming with Afghanistan and US endeavors to bring Taliban to table for peace negotiations not at the presence of American troops for longer time. The response to the US peace negotiation suggestions has been further violence by Taliban, making the future incidents hazier.