Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

What Nelson Mandela Taught

Thousands of lovers and fans of Nelson Mandela are always present outside the South African hospital where the great South African leader is being treated for his critical health conditions. Though he was suffering from his poor health for a couple of years but this time, his illness seems to be very serious and world is fearing to lose this great leader.

He is a noble icon for humanity, equality, and justice. He stood against the injustices and inequalities against the black people by a white minority in their own homeland. African whites were in rule everywhere and they had dominated the country. They ruled the majority blacks like slaves and had deprived them of all the rights. Such circumstances were good enough to make the black leaders to stand for a change but the circumstances were very harsh and difficult. The enemy was very strong and anyone, who even thought of changing the status quo, was badly repressed. In such circumstances, Nelson Mandela, a lawyer by profession, stood up for the rights of his people and continued his efforts persistently, ignoring all the difficulties. He joined the African National Congress to start a political and legal war to end the slavery of his nation. Like hundreds of other African black leaders, he was also imprisoned a number of times and he is the only leader in the world, who sacrificed 27 golden years of his life for the freedom of his people but never retreated from his cause and no threat or greed could make him quit his cause. After 27 years, the minority white had no other option except to release him and dismiss all the unfair laws and assure complete equality in the country. Due to his struggle, his people had got all their rights and were able to excel in every field of life.

He was chosen the president of his country but as his term ended, he did not like to keep enjoying his rule and stepped down from his post and let the people to decide and choose their next leader. After this, he became busy with welfare works for the promotion of health and education facilities of people of his country and region.

He is a great sign of equality, justice, and incessant struggle for a noble cause and his name is taken with great admiration. All the leaders of the world have sent their warm wishes for his health. He is a person who offers a lot to learn and will always be remembered for his great thoughts and efforts.