Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

Quota System Endangers Quality Education

Formerly, ministry of higher education announced new law pertaining admission policy in public sector educational institutions. According to newly proposed educational law, students would be enrolled in government universities in accordance with the population and National Assemblies seats of their respective provinces. The move is certainly blatant violation of merit –it encourages nepotism and favoritism in meagerly pillared education system and discourages growth of talent in Afghanistan.

This fallacious policy, if enacted, will widen the ethnic divide and deeply quake the foundations of national solidarity and harmony. There is deep sense of deprivation found among ethnic minorities, who strive hard to alter their century long ill-fate and bad fortune by making efforts in education. This step might be equated with curtailing the already meager educational opportunities left to them and snatching educational rights.

Subsequent to the pursuit of this law, student with very low marks can get into university whilst another with brilliant marks is denied admission due to the allocation of seats through so-called quota system.

However, several political parties, civil society organizations, students and human right activists have severely criticized the government and ministry for introducing the new impracticable plan. They find the new policy contradictory with Afghan constitution which guarantees everyone’s right to acquire education in open and conducive circumstances free from prejudice and discrimination on ethnic, religious and regional basis.

The implementation of such plan would also vanish all their hopes and expectations pinned on the democracy and democratic institutions. The presence of International Community and NGOs would also come under harsh criticism whose aim is apparently to assist the government for creating equal opportunities for the people in several arenas human endeavors with inclusion to education.

The government of Afghanistan barricades acquisition of education by installing the population based quota system instead it should legislate new strategies to set in uniform educational system in the country at par excellence with the modern world. It must transform its energies devising practicable policies in creating new opportunities for the students to acquire education in peaceful atmosphere rather than creating rifts among the masses of the country. The government should also allocate enormous amount in educational budget to build new standard universities supplemented with qualified faculty appointed on open merit basis. The construction of new universities will reduce the load of students on the present universities. These timely steps would not only install greater confidence in poverty and war stricken Afghan masses finding their government functional but also strengthen the sense of harmony and unity among them.