Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

Class Disparities Getting Wider

Though human beings require different types of needs in their lives, the needs to live alive are the most basic and important ones. These include food, cloth and shelter. Provided with these rudimentary requirements, human beings are able to pursue their other needs, objectives and goals. Fortunately, our planet earth is embellished with different sorts of resources and all these resources help human beings in acquiring their needs. Unfortunately, it is still weird to find millions of people without the basic needs in the world.

Why is it so that even after having large reservoirs of different resources human beings are not able to get even their basic requirements? Though human beings are the most prudent of all the creatures and they claim to be the best, they are not able to use these resources wisely. From the very first human beings, like all the other creatures, they have strived to find out ways of fulfilling their needs. They have travelled much in this regard and yet stand nowhere. They have formed societies and developed systems, yet they are not able to provide even the basic needs of life to the all the human beings. This is really very much pathetic. They have been divided into rich and poor; the rich have most of the facilities of life while the poor suffer from the dearth of rudimentary requirements.

It is the socio-economic and political systems in the country that divide the human beings in different classes. These classes are distinguished with vivid and sharp boundaries. The differences found in these classes are gigantic and one wonders how human beings are really satisfied with so much distinctions. The examples are not difficult to find. There are millions of poor people in the world. They have not enough food to eat, no water to drink and no cloth to wear. The economic system developed by human beings, with the intentions to fulfill their requirements, has in fact cheated them and they are at a stage of misery.

This has generated an imbalanced system. This imbalance has further created different sorts of evils in society. There are crimes and injustices because of the same system. Poor, because of negligence and lack of basic requirements are bound to break the law and the rich, because of their authority to mock the law and order system, break it. Poor, to quench the thirst of their children and fill their stomach with few morsels of food, break the law; while the rich, to quench their thirst for luxury and adventure, break it. This system cannot guarantee sustainability and has to change or to die one day. It is a widely accepted proverb that necessity is the mother of invention. Human necessities will compel them to design a better system – a system that would guarantee the providence of basic requirements to all the human beings on the planet earth.