Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

Sartaj Aziz’s Visit to Kabul

First visit by a senior official from the new government formed in Pakistan was made on Sunday, July 21 among what is termed as the ‘tense phase of relations’ between the two countries. Sartaj Aziz, the special advisor on national security and foreign affairs to the Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif arrived in Kabul for a daylong visit to try to start new phase of cordial relations between the two countries.

Talking to a press conference along with Afghan Foreign Minister Zalmai Rassoul, Sartaz Aziz said that he had brought a message of goodwill and cordiality for Afghanistan.

Currently, the relations between Afghanistan and Pakistan are not at their best, especially after the stalemate of peace talks with Taliban. Afghanistan has been of the view that Pakistan has not been able to support it as much as it can. However, with the change in government in Pakistan, there are possibilities of renewal of relations and there may be a new era of cooperation. In addition, it is in the best interest of both the countries that they must amend their relations and divert their attentions towards honest and dedicated efforts to bring peace in region. 

Sartaj Aziz, highlighting the same fact said in press conference, “A peaceful, stable and united Afghanistan is in the interest of Pakistan.” He also emphasized on closer relationship. This is really the time that both the countries should get serious regarding bringing real and tangible changes in their relations. The blame game that has mostly been adopted by the officials on both sides has done no good to any of them and to the peace talks. 

Sartaj Aziz also emphasized, “Any peace talks must happen among Afghans and must be led by them. Pakistan can’t impose its decisions on Taliban to facilitate the process,” and “Obviously, he will also underline the need for putting the Doha process back on track, as well as an end to frequent testy exchanges between the neighbors over the Afghan-managed reconciliation effort.”

It is a fact that only an Afghanized peace talks can bring about real peace with Taliban. What other countries can do is to support the peace talks and let Afghan representatives lead the process but it is also very much important that Afghan government must have a clear and comprehensive approach towards the peace talks and must make the peace talks inclusive and participatory, involving all the parties to the conflict.