Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

Af-Pak Relations to Smoothen

Formerly, the relationship of Pakistan and Afghanistan suffered lengthened deadlock, subsequent to series of allegation and counter allegation from two sides. Nevertheless, with formation of new government in Pakistan, many desirable changes are expected – the revival of normalized relationship with Afghanistan, certainly would be one of them.

Previously, Prime Minister of Pakistan Nawaz Sharif, while explaining Pakistan’s foreign policy said his country did not want to interfere in the affairs of Afghanistan and wished to extend political support upon request. He asserted that a peaceful, stable and united Afghanistan would be in the interest of Pakistan whilst calling for a closer relationship with Afghanistan. May his words cover the ground realities!

Seemingly he has taken initiative by sending his advisor to Afghanistan to normalize the relationship. In that pursuit Sartaj Aziz, the special advisor on national security and foreign affairs, is made to pay a visit earning a distinction of being the first member of the new Pakistani government who arrived in Kabul for a daylong visit to mend fences between the neighbors.

The official visit Sartaj Aziz made will act to melt the ice of political deadlock hindering the relationship of between the countries.

Sartaj Aziz’s visit marks the beginning of normalized relationship between the two countries and worth pivotal to durable resolution of Afghanistan security and domestic issues, post US complete or partial draw down.  

It is high time both for Pakistan and Afghanistan to diffuse the distracting foundation of mistrust hindering peace drive. There are several genuine issues; both countries are facing with inclusion to border problems and unrelenting terrorism. It is precious moments the two neighbors work out an agreed solution to all immediate problems. Both are required to work strengthening border coordination and also jointly work for installing durable peace and drag forth the peace talks. The two countries having cultural and social ties must ease free trade and bridge relationship by encouraging people to people contact.

Terrorism, undoubtedly, a challenging menace to the two countries has added into the wrecked economies, inflicting worst effects on governance. It is time both countries looked into long term sustainable relationship –information sharing mechanism, be developed and joint counter terrorism initiatives be taken so that none of the terrorists escape the reach of law. Any element or issue causing the breach of trust between the two countries must be led to negotiation. The insurgents seeking save havens across the borders must be crushed with full might. The ties should be developed based on trust, trade and tourism.

Both Afghanistan and Pakistan need to reaffirm their compliance to launch a joint venture against illiteracy, poverty, terrorism and extremism. It is vital for two countries to develop long-lasting and endless cordial relationships based on mutual respect, material and technical support and co-operation and coordination. Bridging the untied relationship may bring a sustainable security and stability in both countries –it is the aspiration of people of both countries.