Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

Detrimental Effects of Taliban Prisoners’ Release

Based on the report of Tolo News, more than 500 Taliban elements have been released by direct decree of President Karzai. According to same source, the main reason behind their release was acceleration of peace process which presently is in a state of standstill. Among them were prisoners who were involved in murder of Afghan security forces and suicide bombers who were captured before blowing their explosive devices. From total 520 released prisoners, 135 of them were suicide bombers, 116 of them who were blamed of killing Afghan security forces and 86 of them master minds behind suicide bombings.

The report says that part of the released prisoners rejoined militants. Abdul Razaq Qadari, the head of the security directorate of Balkh province told that a person by the name of Mullah Karim who previously was a common Talib was soon promoted to provincial governor by Taliban after his release from detention center and has committed huge crimes since then.

However, the report emphasizes that they were released for encouraging Taliban to join peace process, in other words, showing good intention to strike deal. But unfortunately the measures have been never

interpreted as good will of the government rather encouraged fighters to become more assertive hoping of possible release irrespective of crimes they commit.

Moreover, some analysts believe that a part of Taliban prisoners is released in exchange of money. According to the notion, Taliban have sympathizers within the government who just have changed their clothing style---wearing pants and suit and instead of traditional Afghani cloths and wearing tie instead of wearing turban. So, due to their closeness in terms of ideology with Taliban or bribery, they lobby for release of Taliban prisoners.

With detailing much about the two notions behind Taliban prison release, I just want to remind Afghan government this policy may not lead to peace rather it would deal irreparable blow to peace and stability.

Officials believe that trust between people and the government is critical in bringing peace. Because if people report the movement of insurgents, it is highly unlikely that militants can hide themselves and carry out detrimental attacks. So, if the government succeeds to bridge the gap and build trust among people, perhaps, Afghan security establishments are strong enough to prevent targeted assaults.

Certainly the process of Taliban release that also by direct decree of President Karzai seriously affects the relation between people and government. Civilians fear to report any suspicious movements because they think that individuals within the security forces will report them back to Taliban. Thus, civilians may avoid to report insurgents’ movements in fear of possible persecution.