Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Sunday, June 30th, 2024

The Environment Week

There is pressing need to work for cleaner and greener environment. Gifting a health friendly environment to the coming generations of Afghanistan is what we need to work for today

In Kabul, one of the most polluted capitals of the world, this week has been dedicated to environment. The week is aimed at creating public awareness, as the environmental pollution has reached its climax. The severity of pollution can be judged by the dusty air and garbage scattered everywhere in the capital of Afghanistan. Three decades of conflicts, around five million people, huge number of vehicles, lack of greenery, poor sewerage system and government's unwillingness have turned Kabul into a dreadful place for humans to live. Studies show the water that the people drink in Kabul is not safe even for animals.

It is not merely the government that is carelessly functioning to address environmental problems but also the people. Outreach programs are deemed to have positive impacts on the mindset of people and therefore, are appreciated.

It is not so that steps have not been taken but those have been so minor as compared to the immensity problems our environment is facing. National Environment Agency was established in 2005, the first Environment Law was endorsed in 2007 and since the end of 2010, in addition to Fridays, Thursdays are also off in Kabul to add in bettering the environment.

But problems have been becoming bigger with the passage of each year due to lack of proper planning. The funds that have been available to the government of Afghanistan have become the victims of corrupt and dishonest people. For instance, Mr. Sahibi, the ex-mayor of Kabul was involved in massive embezzlement and therefore, the Supreme Court sentenced him to a four-year imprisonment. But he was backed by President Karzai and lives as free man until today.

The conditions in other cities of Afghanistan - Kandahar, Mazar-e-Sharif, Kunduz, Jalalabad and many others resemble to that of Kabul. There too, the environment is increasingly becoming polluted. If no major measure is in place in capital, how could one think condition that will improve in provinces?
There is pressing need to work for cleaner and greener environment. Gifting a health friendly environment to the coming generations of Afghanistan is what we need to work for today.