Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

Civilian Casualties Continue

Over one hundred civilians have been killed in Panjwai District of Kandahar province alone during the past month. The deaths have been caused by bomb blasts, road side bombings, IEDs and ambush attacks by militants. Local officials say Taliban also plant bombs in farmlands and fields, where innocent people are killed.

The victims also include women and children, who are not spared by the Taliban in their inhuman campaign of bloodbath and terror.

Militants continue terror with deadliest tactics each time. But the government has been trying to appease Taliban. Several hundred notorious militants have been released, many of whom recently. It all comes with excuse of efforts to make the so-called ‘peace process’ produce results, more like a delay-tactic by the Taliban to deceive the Government.

 Taliban have threatened worst attacks for Kabul this summer. A special unit headed by a commander in Peshawar has been tasked to launch suicide attacks in capital in the year before security and power transition in Kabul. They want to show all their strength. The security agencies should increase extra checks and preparedness for sudden attacks in heart of the city, as they choose new locations each time.

We strongly condemn this act of cowardice. The latest civilian victims of Taliban atrocities seem to be nothing more than an increase in the statistics for the government and ordinary people. It shows out selective outrage. Why there are no demonstrations against such atrocities?

Taliban still dream about taking over Afghanistan and implement their brand of inhumane extremism. The government’s mantra of talks will lead to nowhere. Their increasing attacks since last month show their intentions well about the so-called peace and reconciliation process that seems to be out of the lens these days.

Taliban have been quite clear and persistent with their agenda. They continue slaughtering innocent civilians in bloodbath.  There is not a single day when a civilian or member of the Afghan National Security Forces are being killed. The continued policy of appeasement will lead to nowhere.