Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

The Naïve Calculation

The Syrian civil war is turning too disastrous as the world is standing still and watching the carnage silently instead of holding practical steps. Pouring of weapons and combatants from the neighboring countries has only deteriorated the situation, intensifying clashes and bloodshed. Meanwhile the involved countries due to their own observations avoid to accept the reality that progressing carnage benefits none rather would possibly prove consequential to all.

During past 29 months of civil uprising we only witness the escalation of violence. Both sides miss no opportunity to trumpet each other. Rebellions armed to fight the regime meanwhile they failed to gain militarily effective weapons to stand against strong air power of the Assad government. With growing rise of Jihadists western countries got frustrated of replacing the Assad regime with a democratic government. Thus, they are reluctant to arm rebellions with heavy weapons to a level that change momentum to government’s oppositions.

In addition, with disclose of Hezbollah involvement and other militants in support of President Assad somehow deemed as chance for some countries who are top target agenda of radical Islamist groups. Now some countries following a policy to let both sides fight each other and let them bleed together which finally may end to Islamists force depletion. However, Shiite Ayatullahs do not consider the sect of Allawite as part of Shiite sect of Islam but due to close relation between Tehran and Damascus both sides have tried to push the war on sectarian line. This in turn has paved the way for Jihadists and fundamentalists have poured in as volunteers to be martyred and go to paradise.

So, this situation has sparked hope for countries who feel threatened or are victims of terrorists and Jihadists that the progress of civil war in Syria end up to their power depletion. If the scenario proves right, than it would be so good to get the world rid of a phenomenon that threatens the global security.

Unfortunately, this scenario will fail. After the termination of the war, the current Jihadi groups will disperse with having specific channels that are currently supporting them. Defeating the Assad regime or get defeated means the defeat of a secular regime against which Jihad was obligatory on Shariah account, Jihadist will go after anyone supporting democracy and modern values instead of Shariah based government. That means Jihadists will not only be stifled in the Syrian war but will get will experienced in threaten the global security.