Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

Consequential Uncertainty over US-Afghan Relation

The veteran Afghan-American diplomat and the former US ambassador in Afghanistan, Zulmai Khalilzad has said that Afghanistan should not commit the mistake of Baghdad, hinting to disagreement between

Baghdad and Washington which brought about the entire military pullout of the US. Along with domestic pressure on Bush administration, the contention between Baghdad and Washington over legal immunity for US security forces caused the United States to pullout its entire force except small number left for protecting its embassy. The remarks of Zulmai Khalilzad directly denoted to the same issue that disagreement may be end up to complete US military withdrawal which certainly will prove too consequential.  However, presently Iraq is burning in sectarian clashes which might was preventable to some extent in the presence of US military presence, but the situation of Afghanistan is much grave.

Analysts and statesmen believe that social division among Afghans are far deeper. The society divided on sectarian, lingual and communal lines that necessitates a strong force to keep it together.  In The lack of strong force whether it comes from a strong central government or in alliance with a powerful ally like the United States, the country may easily dismantle and change into a battleground of warmongers. So, certainly the military pullout spark civil war and pull the country back to where it was previously.

The remarks of Khalilzad about whom propaganda airs that he is going to one of the possible candidate for presidency clearly reflect such concerns of the Afghan society. Indeed, he is not alone who is willing to determine the destiny of the strategic security contract, recently other American officials have also asserted on. The latest comments made by James F. Dobbins, the US special envoy to Afghanistan and Pakistan, as saying that it should not change into a topic for electoral campaign of the presidential candidates.

On other hand, however, Mr. President somehow expressed his agreement for strategic security cooperation contract meanwhile is reluctant to further delay its signature. He has said that his government sees no hurry to sign it.

However, the US has accepted the conditions such as arming Afghan National Security Forces (ANSF) with heavy weapons and other issues put ahead by government, but it is not clear what the ruling team expects US to make a strike to ensure their own interest. Whatever are ambiguous and or secret conditions, they may not be supportive to national interest. Because presently security and economic improvement should be the top priority for Afghans and for which the US has held serious steps. Further uncertainty over US military presence will cause the outflow of the money and psychological support to insurgent.