Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

The Declining state of Law and Order Must be Improved

Law is implemented indiscriminately to ensure order in a state. In our beloved country, seemingly, the militants and anti-state elements have grown to an extent that easily evades the loosely held net of law and order and turn triumphant. As 2014, the year of US draw down approaches, the magnitude of violence practically has raised. The previous day’s heavy explosion rocking Kandahar province depicts either state’s unwillingness to restrict the insurgent away from commercial and residential areas or it has surrendered to militants operating at will. According to media reports the explosion claimed 4 lives and injured 27 others.  Mostly the innocent civilians turn preys of ongoing terrorism and insurgency.

Formerly, in another tragic incident a suicide bomber including gunmen attacked the Indian consulate in Jalalabad city of Nangarhar province, which killed at least 11 people including children who were attending the religious classes in a mosque that was partly damaged. Every time a tragic incident occurs the fatless civilian has to pay the price by serving to be a sacrificial cow.

It is evident that the insurgents further their evil agendas by exploiting the sacred name of Islam, seems to be wholly responsible for earning extremists fame for the adherents of this religion. However, a bold step undertaken by Chief of the Ulema (Clerics) Council of Afghanistan, Qeyamuddin Kashaf, condemning the attack subsequent to explosion, stated that suicide attack was illegitimate in the religion of Islam, and contrary to instructions and commands of holy Quran. The aforementioned narrative is a harsh truth and bold step forward to undermine the extreme cause the insurgents are propagating for. Everybody extends deep concerns over escalating civilian causalities and deteriorating state of law and order in this piece of land. It is worth mentioning that the government has too displayed incompetence devising policy and strategy to combat the insurgency. What all it has done is greater reliance on international community led by US to sort out a congenial solution for its core issues.

United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) last week reported 23 percent rise in civilian casualties in Afghanistan during the first six months of the current year - blaming most of the deaths and injuries on improvised explosive device (IEDs) attacks.

Despite the presence of coalition and Afghan National Security Forces (ANSF), the increasing number of causalities is a point of great concern for Afghans who would otherwise conclude the twelve years long combat mission of international forces of no use at all.

The report is an eye opening for both collation forces and Afghan government, leaving behind a question that how peace and security be ensured subsequent to US’s complete draw down. If concrete measures are not taken to tackle escalating insurgency the state of affair might return to the point of no return post US complete drawdown.