Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

The Problem of Governance, Peace and Stability in Afghanistan

The current political and military crisis in Afghanistan has endangered the state authority and invited civil war. For the past 12 years, Afghans, government and international community have failed in restoring peace and concordance in the country. The situation is dire. The Taliban attacks throughout Afghanistan and the counter offensive by NATO-led international security forces has also escalated. Since last couple of years, military experts and analysts have envisaged an upsurge in the Afghanistan insurgency. The extensive US deployment of air power could not quell the insurgency. The government sources have said that attacks demonstrate that the Taliban fighters are continuing to receive considerable outside assistance. They receive money and explosive.

In virtually all communities political rule is exercised through the institutions of the state, but unfortunately neither we have functional institutions nor the state to enforce law and maintain law and order in the country. In a sense, of sovereignty always involves a claim to exercise legal authority a claim to exercise power by right and not merely by virtue of force. The use of force has mostly bad consequences as we have experienced in various parts of South and Central Asia. In spite of use of force, the insurgency has not gone away, it has become more effective.

Without an administration, without the judicial institutions, without professionals and well trained security force, peace and stability is very much difficult to be restored in Afghanistan. It is imperative that a level of stability and security be established in order to create the opportunity for the administration of justice and reconstruction to move forward.

For the establishment of an effective order in Afghanistan, there is a constant need of coordination among intelligence agencies, police and Coalition forces. While the government has only been able to train only a small of security forces for maintaining law and order in more than decade, it demonstrated that people feel insecure and they are disappointed with the government.

Representation in the government departments, army and police on population bases may ease discontent ion. The President time and again criticized the Coalition for not providing adequate resources, Afghans and foreigners criticized the President for his inability to govern effectively. The President must appoint qualified Afghans and select an effective administrative team. Building a new security apparatus run by Afghans is going too slowly. It should be mentioned here that if the government wants to establish its rule and authority in Afghanistan, it would have to resolve the problem of corrupt representation in government institutions, and on territorial representation that will accommodate most major ethnic groups and regional alignments.

However, some suggested that NATO and Coalition forces must not leave Afghanistan without accomplishing the goal so as to make effective the process of peace and stability. There has been a direct consequence within Afghanistan to this situation. The continuous fight against Taliban and the Al-Qaeda activists has also created several problems and discontents among the people of this country. Apparently, High Peace Council (HPC), had tried to come to some sort of an agreement with the government, but negotiations so far has not produced fruitful. As government is failed to deliver justice and provide peaceful environment to our people, we throw all these failures on outsiders shoulder. All of our leaders and government officials blame neighbors for their involvement in the instability of Afghanistan.

Not only our country is the victim of violence and insurgency, some of our neighbors are also experiencing an alarming increased in the incidence of violence from Taliban-aligned extremists seeking to impose Islamic law in particularly in Pakistan by force. Pakistan’s political system is very fragile, and Pakistan’s borders are not secure, and the government has only a tenuous grip on the law-and-order situation. War in Waziristan and Balochistan has already put in danger the country’s integrity. Intellectual circles in Afghanistan are on the opinion that peace and stability in Afghanistan is a must for reconstruction and economic progress.