Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

Bad Governance Behind Migration

The love of motherland is timeless and immortal. Its warmth is deeply realized when a person is expatriated temporarily or compellingly. The decade long bloody conflict has shaken the once sound foundation of peace and stability of this piece of land. Peace was one of the critical element, Afghans have been in the search of over a lengthened period of time.

The dream of a progressive Afghanistan could not materialize even subsequent to installment of democratic setup. The escalating rebellion and terrorism supplemented with ill administration, corruption and bad governance have alleviated the probability of betterment at present. The dreary picture, post US-led international forces’ withdrawal and following presidential election portray no substantive to build up enough confidence persuading Afghans participate in building measure of Afghanistan in substitute for quitting the country. Consequently, large number of Afghans have in pursuit of peace, ecstasy and priceless material gain leave for foreign countries.

The populace of Afghanistan suffers economic discrepancy, social disparity, domestic violence, unemployment and other elementary issues worst affecting masses who are left with a option to search for livelihood in countries abroad.

During the 1980s and 1990s, roughly six million Afghans fled the country to Pakistan and Iran. However, estimates put around five million returning to Afghanistan since the fall of the Taliban regime in 2001. With the exception to momentary peace no substantial outcome the repatriation could brings to the illegal immigrants. The sufferings of migrants abroad do not end here; realistically it brings endless tail of multifaceted inexplicable miseries.

According to the Ministry of Labor, Social Affairs, Martyrs and Disabled (MoLSAMD) officials, the other major cause of the flight of Afghans abroad is the rise in violence against women. Fleeing abuse at home, many Afghan women seek safety and a new life abroad. Last month the Afghanistan Independent Human Rights Commission (AIHRC) reported a rise in violence against women in 2013, saying that it registered over 2,500 cases in the first four months of the year alone. The dominant gender based discrimination must end and women should be given greater share in every walk of life.

As many of the young Afghan men and women who are migrating to other countries in search of a better life are doing so illegally, they are unable to live well when they reach their destinations. MoLSAMD officials said that many of the Afghan immigrants have to live in harsh conditions, often resulting in homelessness, panhandling and drug addiction.

The government must pay greater attention to improve the livening condition of ordinary Afghan. Putting a greater amount leadership quality in practice can do this. Afghanistan is resourceful country; bringing a little intelligence into use these resources can be transformed into opportunity.

Corruption, embezzlement, bribery, nepotism and weakened rule of law murdering our social conscience must be discouraged. Having taken these bold measures the despondency can be removed and immigration will be declined.