Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

A Revisit to Political Culture!

It is entirely tragic and unfortunate when one looks to corruption-infected Afghan administration where nepotism, discrimination and injustice prevail. When Afghan rulers and top officials chant national slogans, one wonders why the so-called coconscious representatives of international community keep silent while observing gross human rights violation and fatal discrimination. President Karzai took office with commitment and a promise to observe justice and professionalism, Afghanistan continues to remain completely corrupt, weak and structurally unacceptable to large portion of its population. The country is not only threatened by Taliban and growing narcotics cultivation but also with an orchestrated unilateral and ethnic-based ideology which is really threatening.

Since the fall of Taliban, ministers have run the ministries with idle promises to lead reform and change. But they failed or rightly never tried. The many ministers, who were sacked by Afghan parliament for ineffectiveness and weak performance, obtained the confidence vote with loud-mouthed pledges to lead their ministries with professionalism and justice.

The over all situations has worsened then any tangible recovery. The most important and pressing question is how the international donors and Afghanistan’s top officials ignore such a gross violation of law and national consensus? How they expect a better future for Afghanistan when the country is ruled with the past injustice and obstacles?

For a better future to build, Afghanistan and Afghan people need to fight, first of all, ethnic discrimination and respect professionalism in a right concept. As long as Afghanistan fails to provide fair, equal and just opportunity to its citizens, the hope for progress is wrong. The country’s history and international experience should not be ignored while laying the future foundation of Afghanistan. It is now an incontrovertible fact that injustice and unprofessionalism kills the national-building objectives.